Monday 28 October 2013

0 Apologies

Hey Guys and Girls,

It's Kwongie here, I should have had said this earlier.

This blog was initially designed for a academic assignment piece. I have received a number of responses from readers in the past year since my last post regarding my absence.

I haven't been posting anymore simply because, my assignment has concluded and so I have simply left the blog as it is. Without thinking about the readers that were interested in my blog (thank you to all your kind support and time), I had neglected to provide you all with a message that I will be no longer posting and blogging anymore.

When I began this assessment piece I didn't think there would be such a positive number of readers on my blog. Asides my classmates who had followed my blog for assessment purposes. I wouldn't think anyone would be interested in such a cheesy and spud-ed blog.

Receiving a number of messages and recently a 'anonymous' comment on my post about staying hydrated. I believe I have served you all unjust and here is my apology and hope you all are well in your journey towards better health.

I am sorry to all my Potato fans.

Many thanks to all of my readers and followers.



Sunday 30 September 2012

3 H2O


We all know keeping ourselves hydrated is good for us. But do you know why?

Here's some facts to tell you why you should.


-Helps carry nutrients and oxygen to blood cells.
-Cushions joints.
-Moistens oxygen for easier breathing followed by organs.
-Assists in food to energy conversion process.
-Composes 22% of our bones.
-Protects and cushions vital organs (not only body fats).
-Helps body absorb nutrients.
-Composes 75% of our brain.
-Regulates bodily temperatures.
-Makes up 75% of our muscles.
-83% of our blood is made up of water.
-Our bodies are 2/3 liquid!

...Oh and um, water helps us to remove waste.

So why aren't you drinking water?

Keep up the hard work!
Keep the fluids up.

That Potato


Monday 24 September 2012

0 To be lean or not to be.

Spring, spring spring. Beaches and sun. Beach bodies and Potatoes...

In my last post I talked about a the many active facilities situated around Melbourne open to the community free of charge.
This week I'd like to talk about losing body fat and building muscle definition.

Many of my friends believe it is extremely easy to lose weight and build muscle at the same time. After a light discussion with the Physiologist at the local clinic over the weekend. I'd conclude with, NO.
It isn't, it really isn't, due to current study commitments and various time restraints, I maintain a equal fat burning and muscle developing routine. Simply because it is my time to relax and keep my energy levels and health in balance. But if you wish to shred that Potato bod of yours. Cut the body fat first.

Why? Because muscle requires fat to build mass and definition, it requires the body to be in a anabolic state (fat gaining) whereas to lose body fat requires the body to be in a catabolic state (lose fat).

It is possible in the short term to see positive effects, but in the long run. You'd see those potato gems swelling. Seriously. It isn't worth the hard work.

My advice, lose the excess fat first, then begin your journey later on into building definition.

It's even easier for the ladies. Simply drop 'that' craving excuse every month. That 'cycle' has diuretic effects and burns a lot of fat for fuel due to a 'loss' of nutrients. Next time your buddy hits, have a look at your waists, hips, lower abs, gluteals and thighs. See the difference?

I hope it helped!

That potato. Copyright © 2011